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20 July 2023

Women in Fleet: Nicola Collins

Welcome to the third edition of Custom Fleet’s Gender Equality Spotlight series!

This series includes interviews with women in Custom Fleet sharing their career journeys and their views on leading gender equality in the fleet industry.

While fleet has traditionally been dominated by men, this is changing every day. We’re proud of the women on our crew who are leading this change in the world of fleet.

This month we speak to Nicola Collins – Relationship Manager, NZ, about the impact of her role and the future of fleet.

Women in Fleet: Nicola Collins

Tell me about yourself and your role at Custom Fleet? How long have you been working at Custom Fleet?

I’ve been working with Custom Fleet since August 2020 and to-date, it’s been an incredibly rewarding experience.

Outside of work, my greatest joy comes from being a proud mother of two wonderful children. They’re a significant part of who I am, and I strive to give 150% in both my role as a mother and my professional endeavours.

My life might sound exhausting but it’s not. I have clearly defined limits and goals, and when I talk about giving 150% in all I do, that relates to the task at hand, not everything at once.

After taking a career break for seven years to focus on raising my children, I thought it might be difficult to re-enter the workforce. However, Custom Fleet presented me with an opportunity to rebuild my career that I’m immensely grateful for.

Something I appreciate most about working at Custom Fleet is the flexibility it offers. Being able to work from home allows me to be actively involved in my children's lives, from getting them ready in the morning for school to being present for important moments throughout the day.

Custom Fleet understands the value of work-life balance and has provided me with the support to manage both my responsibilities as a mother and my commitment to my job.

What makes this journey even more special is that my children have been a part of it, witnessing firsthand the positive changes and progress I have made.

I’m excited to continue contributing to Custom Fleet's success while cherishing the precious moments I share with my family.

As a woman in the fleet management industry specialising in relationship management, what led you to this career path? What aspects of the industry and role appealed to you the most?

I’m truly passionate about connecting with people and making a positive impact in the workplace, with customers, and within my own family.

Fleet management is currently undergoing a significant transformation, driven by the increasing emphasis on sustainability and CO2 emission legislation. I want to actively contribute to this change and be a part of shaping a more environmentally responsible future.

My role as a Relationship Manager lets my customers focus on their core operations while I handle managing their fleet. This allows me to establish myself as a trusted advisor, supporting them in achieving their goals and objectives.

One of my strengths is my love for data, which helps me make well-informed decisions for my customers.

My academic background initially led me down a different path. I studied Pharmacy/Science at university, but halfway through my studies I realised it wasn't the right fit for me.

I have a passion for working with people, so I switched courses to Management and Marketing. This prepared me for a role in sales, where I could directly interact with and assist customers.

Ultimately, my objective is to make a positive difference in the lives of everyone I encounter, and I’m dedicated to making a meaningful impact in the fleet industry.

Do you believe being a woman in fleet relationship management brings a unique perspective? What strengths and qualities do you believe women bring to this role?

I firmly believe that being a woman and a mother brings a valuable contribution to building strong business relationships.

My meticulous attention to detail allows me to understand the intricacies of each client's needs, which means I can provide tailored solutions and deliver exceptional service.

Multitasking is a strength that many women possess. Effective multitasking helps me handle multiple client accounts to ensure they all receive the attention and support they deserve.

Time management is crucial in relationship management, and women often excel in managing time efficiently and balancing deadlines. This skill allows me to meet client expectations and deliver results in a timely manner.

Being a full-time working mother also provides me with a unique perspective and skillset. Managing a household, raising children, and coordinating various schedules has honed my ability to bring people together for success.

Understanding the needs and desires of different stakeholders and being able to facilitate collaboration and consensus-building are qualities that naturally extend from these experiences.

Do you believe having women in relationship management roles positively impacts the fleet management industry?

Women naturally possess the quality of empathy, which helps us understand and connect with clients, fostering strong relationships based on trust and understanding.

Having women in these roles contributes to building diverse and inclusive business partnerships. Diverse perspectives and inclusive partnerships lead to better outcomes, increased creativity, and improved customer service.

More women in the fleet industry paves the way for future generations, too. We can inspire and empower our colleagues, and younger women who may not have had a voice before.

The positive impact of having women in relationship management roles extends beyond individual companies or organisations. It positively influences the entire industry and enhances the reputation of companies like Custom Fleet.

By embracing female representation, we can create a more vibrant, innovative, and customer-centric fleet management industry.

Can you share any personal experience or examples of the positive impact you’ve made as a woman in fleet relationship management?

One of the key aspects of my role is helping customers meet their strategic and fleet management goals. This includes providing consulting services and offering relevant products to optimise fleet operations.

An experience that stands out is my work with a Tier 1 customer who was facing significant challenges resulting in high staff turnover. Recognising their struggles, I focused on evaluating their specific pain points.

I collaborated closely with our Strategic Consulting and Electric Vehicle (EV) teams. By working together, we created a solution to help the customer resolve their fleet management challenges.

Throughout this process I became more than just a service provider. I became a trusted advisor and friend to the customer, too. I provided ongoing support and guidance, ensuring that they felt heard and understood in the development of their three-year fleet strategy.

The positive impact of this experience is evident in the relationship that was built. As a result, we’ve been able to continuously support and add value to their fleet management needs.

How do you navigate potential gender-related challenges or biases in your role as a woman in fleet management relationship management?

I believe that knowledge and confidence are key to navigating gender-related challenges and biases.

By staying well-informed about industry trends and best practices, I can approach any challenge with a solid understanding and be better equipped to address them.

Personal development is essential too, as it helps me to navigate challenges more effectively. I also think it’s important to give back by providing advice and guidance to others.

Support networks have played a significant role in my professional growth and overcoming obstacles. I’ve found value in opening up my support networks to include people I’ve met in different parts of my life.

Networks provide a sense of community, where I can both offer and receive support from people facing similar challenges, and this reminds me that I’m not alone in my experiences.

Custom Fleet recognises the importance of gender equality and has provided me with opportunities for personal and professional development. Their support has allowed me to undertake my Master of Business in Sustainability, a field I am passionate about.

I firmly believe we all have the power to shape our own destiny, and when given the opportunity we can achieve incredible things. I want to prove that success knows no gender or limitations.

I’m determined to be an advocate for gender equality and make a positive impact in the industry, proving that women can thrive and excel in fleet.

From the time you began your role in fleet relationship management, what positive changes or differences have you noticed in terms of gender diversity and inclusivity within the industry?

One specific area where I’ve seen progress is in the introduction of a parental leave policy that extends support to individuals experiencing pregnancy loss.

This is a significant step forward, as it acknowledges the challenges and emotional toll that pregnancy loss can have on women. Having this policy means women don’t have to use annual leave or sick leave during such difficult times.

Our new parental policy also allows both parents to take equal amounts of parental leave, which recognises the importance of shared responsibilities. This empowers women to pursue their careers while also having the support and involvement of their partners.

This policy change within Custom Fleet reflects a broader shift in the industry towards creating a more supportive and inclusive workplace. This has significantly enhanced our overall employee experience.

While we’ve made progress, I believe there is still room for further empowerment and progress for women. Continued education and awareness are essential in driving this change forward.

By actively supporting and advocating for gender equality, we can make fleet management culture more inclusive and diverse. It’s important that everyone in the business feels included, supported, and empowered.

I’m proud to wake up every day knowing that I’m making a difference, not only for women but for everyone in fleet. The progress we’ve made so far gives me hope and fuels my commitment to furthering diversity, inclusivity, and empowerment in the future.

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